
working with more manufacturing partners all around the globe, we help maintain coherence in our corporate behavior with the implementation of our policies embedded in our code of conduct. all policies are understood, agreed with and signed by each of our partnering manufacturers.

code of conduct

our code is based on the universally accepted ten principles of the un global compact (ungc) set in the areas of: human- and labor rights, environment and anti-corruption. to promote close cooperation, dialogue and a strong risk culture we conduct self-assessments in collaboration with manufacturing partners on a regular basis.

→ download our code of conduct


animal welfare

all animal derived materials used in our manufacturing processes, including leather and suede, are sourced to meet high ethical standards. our concern for animal welfare is of high importance and we are constantly seeking new ways of improving animal welfare in the production.

→ download our animal welfare policy


chemicals restrictions

minimum is acting in accordance with reach; the european legislation regulating registrations, evaluations, authorizations and restrictions of chemicals. we demonstrate our compliance based on continual sampling and chemicals testing on our collections.

→ download our chemicals restrictions policy


child labour

the use of child labour is strictly not allowed throughout our entire supply chain. minimum recognizes all children's right to be protected from environments interfering with or being harmful to their education, development, and physical/mental health. our definition of child labour is based on conventions and recommendations by the international labour organisation (ilo).

→ download our child labour policy


ethical sourcing

as an anchored part of our company values, we do business with a high sense of moral and ethics. it is of utmost importance to us that no people, natural environments or animals are adversely affected during the production of our goods. be it at the cotton field, the stitching factory or our warehouse.

→ download our ethical sourcing policy